06 January 2018

Practical Hands

with practical hands
she strips the petals of the artichoke,
braving the thorns to reach the heart
and hope, thinking not of those
evening meals purely disdained, their
very essence a botch-blotch upon florid china,
twice-vitrified, steeled through
fire, furnace hellish, roaring
orange, beating against the bricks, and,
abstracted, she registers the days, dates, she
has had his kiss, a single
column of black digits totted up as she
strips the petals away
to reach the heart, that
green secret of hope and love,
ever springing up, the spear-blade of
grass snaking up between two slates of
pavement, heavy as gravestones, and
she exhales as bleak
November blows coldly into icewhite
December and

forced merriment in a public square
blared over by klaxon horns,
massed crowds braying for a handful
of sweets

so much better, so much tastier, the
secret heart of love at her core,
when all was
finally stripped away,
simmering, as if bathed in the
light of summer, the thick gold she
held in her hands, proffered when
all that was extraneous
had been shorn away,
leaving the heart naked, ready for
the tearing of teeth, the savoring
of scent again, a

marking down of minutes, hours, weeks,
months, years, the curious timetable of
numbers, scripted, catching together, all
a fine mess of figures, and, in
each one a thought, a pang, a
breath lost, a tear shed, those
sins of omission, venial, that dog
her heels, snapping, unwilling yet to hear
ego te absolvo,
graceless, stateless, a mote of dust
caught for a moment in his glance
before the wind bears her
into the back of beyond,
the eternal that is love, and love

too long a sacrifice/
can make a stone of/
the heart/

her heart-stones clink-chink against each other,
making that bright music she rises to
each morning, the cup glancing against the saucer,
the flames reaching up, blue-bright,
under the kettle, warm her face, her
flesh is as many fields, her words a
her touch a promise, unspoken still